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Add your profile by using the Register button above - you will join our classmates who have already registered on the Classmates page.
Also please tell us, in the Comment section of your profile, what you have been doing since you graduated from Newark Valley! This includes your post high school education, occupation, service duty history, your family (spouse/significant other, children, grandchildren, pets) and anything else you would like your classmates to know about how you have been!
Please upload some photos to be published on the site, plus your memories that you would like to share.
Share this website with as many of our classmates as possible and ask everyone to register - this will be the main place to stay connected about upcoming reunions as well as pictures of the 50th reunion.
For everyone, including classmates, friends, teachers, and other guests of the Class of 1974, please feel free to leave a message for us on our Guestbook page! This includes writing a note to the reunion committee and others about the 50th reunion weekend!