Reunion '24 schedule is now out!

Hi to all of our classmates!

IMPORTANT NOTE  - we have decreased the prices for the Saturday night event, to $40 per classmate and $35 for a significant other, in response to input from classmates.  We will not have a cash bar available at the Saturday night event, but we will have beer, wine, water, soda and coffee.  If you would like to bring your own specific beverage, please feel free to do so.  

Here is the schedule for Reunion 2024, our 50th!

Friday, September 27th - we will have our kickoff “meet & greet” event at the Blue Dolphin in Apalachin from 5 to 8 pm.  The tickets for this event are $10 per person, which includes your first drink and appetizers which the committee is arranging.   It will be possible to have an additional drink and other food by starting your own individual tab with the Blue Dolphin staff.  You must purchase a ticket for yourself and your significant other, if you are bringing one, in order to attend this event!

Joe Wiiki, our resident graphic designer and artist, has come up with our awesome 50th reunion weekend logo, and we have red ceramic coffee cups with that logo on them !  There are a limited quantity of the coffee cups, which are $8 each, so if you would like to reserve one of the cups, please be sure to let us know!  You can pick up your cup and your nametag (also designed and created by Joe) at the Friday evening event.

Saturday, September 28th 

  • Take a tour of the high school from 1:30 to 3:30 pm - Principal Ed Mertson is arranging for us to tour the high school.
  • For our evening event, we have reserved the Newark Valley Firehouse from 6 to 10 pm.  We are having it catered by Smokey Legend BBQ - please email us at if you have special dietary needs, such as vegetarian, vegan or gluten free, as Smokey Legend will work with us to accommodate those needs.  We will have recorded music for your listening & dancing pleasure - be sure to let us know of any specific songs that you would like to hear on our reunion playlist! We will have beer, wine, coffee, soda & water available as part of the ticket price.  If you would like to bring your own favorite beverage, please feel free to do so!  Other fun things, like a trivia contest and special Class of 1974 cookies for dessert, will be a part of the evening.  You must purchase a ticket for yourself and your significant other, if you are bringing one, in order to attend this event!

Sunday, September 29th - we are planning to have lunch at the Trout Ponds, starting at noon. We have reserved the large pavilion at the Trout Ponds, and will order pizzas from Fortunato’s in Newark Valley - the drinks left from Saturday night’s event will be available.  We are suggesting taking a head count at Saturday night’s event, of those who would like to attend on Sunday, and everyone chips in for the pizza.

You must be registered on this site in order to purchase tickets to our reunion events, as well as the reunion coffee cups!