Reunion '24 in less than 2 weeks!!

Greeting to our fellow classmates!

It’s almost here!!  Less than TWO WEEKS until our 50th reunion, which is the weekend of September 27th through the 29th!  If you have not yet signed up to attend any or all of the reunion events, there is still time!

Here is the list of events for Reunion Weekend!

Friday, September 27th, 5 to 8 pm at the Blue Dolphin in Apalachin (7670 State Route 434, Apalachin - exit 66 off of Route 17) - we will have our kickoff “meet & greet” event at the Blue Dolphin in Apalachin from 5 to 8 pm.  Tickets are on sale for $10 per person, which includes your first drink and appetizers which the committee is arranging.   It will be possible to have an additional drink and other food by starting your own individual tab with the Blue Dolphin staff.  Joe Wiiki, our resident graphic designer and artist, has come up with our awesome 50th reunion weekend logo, and we have red ceramic coffee cups with that logo on them - you can see the logo on the website homepage and the mug picture is  on the website ticket page!  There are a limited quantity of the coffee cups, which are $8 each, so if you would like to reserve one of the cups, please be sure to let us know!  You can pick up your cup and your nametag (also designed and created by Joe) at either the Friday or Saturday evening event.  

Saturday, September 28th, tour the high school from 1:30 to 3:30 pm!

Saturday evening, September 28th, 6 to 10 pm, get together and dinner taking place at the Newark Valley Firehouse (7151 State Route 38, Newark Valley) - The event will take place from 6 to 10 pm at the firehouse, will have food catered from Smokey Legend BBQ, and we will have beer, wine, coffee & water available as part of the ticket price.  You are also welcome to bring your own beverage of choice.  We will have recorded music for your listening & dancing pleasure!  There will be a fun trivia contest!  The price for the event is $40 for an individual classmate, and $35 for their significant other, making the cost for the Saturday night get together $40 for a single, or $75 for a couple.  

Sunday, September 29th, pizza lunch at the Trout Ponds starting at 12 pm.  We are suggesting taking a head count at Saturday night’s event, of those who would like to attend on Sunday, and everyone chips in for the pizza from Fortunato’s in Newark Valley.

If you have not registered on the website, you can still attend the events, but we do need your RSVP!  This will give us a head count for each event.  Please email your RSVP to us at  You must purchase a separate ticket for the Friday and Saturday night events via our website if you are registered there, using a credit card (plus a transaction fee), or if you would prefer to pay via check, you can make out your check to Julie Sorcek, who is acting as treasurer for the committee, and send it to her at 8D Beach Street, Bethel, CT 06801 - we will keep track of all money received via a bank account we have set up. Julie also can send you her PayPal or Venmo information to pay by that method, if you prefer. 


We are keeping ticket prices to what the costs for the events themselves will be, but we do have ancillary costs.  We would appreciate donations in any amount over and above tickets that we sell for our events, to help cover these items, which the reunion committee is handling up front.  Many thanks to those of you who have made donations to date!   We have the capability to do this via the website as well, and again, checks payable to Julie can be made if you would rather not do anything online. Any money that is left over after reunion expenses have been paid, and reunion committee members reimbursed for their initial outlays, will be donated in our class’s name to the Newark Valley Fire Department or to the high school Alumni Scholarship fund.

We are still hoping that more of our classmates will take part in the reunion! If you are in touch with a classmate who is not yet registered, please invite them to do so, or have them email us at the address below.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at  Please send us an RSVP that you are attending the reunion at this email address.   And be sure to add your pictures and memories to the website to share with everyone!   We hope people take lots of pictures at the reunion that we can share on the website, for all of those unable to attend.  We will be keeping the website up and running for at least a year after the reunion, so we can continue to stay in touch and share memories!

All the best,

The Class of 1974 50 year reunion committee

Brad Mead, Scott Parmelee, Julie Thompson Sorcek & Joe Wiiki